Leptoceratops Dinosaur Vertebra Fossil from Montana

Leptoceratops sp. Dinosaur Bone

Class Sauropsida, Superorder Dinosauria, Order Ornithischia, Suborder Cerapoda, Family Leptoceratopsidae

Geological Time: Late Cretaceous (>70 million years ago)

Size: Fossil is 17 mm in length

Fossil Site: Judith River Formation, Fergus County, Montana

Fossil Code: PFV221

Price: $65.00 - sold

Description: Leptoceratops (horned face from the Greek), was a primitive ceratopsian dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous Period. The herbivorous ceratopsian dinosaurs had parrot-like beaks and are Known from Western North America and asia, living at the same time as Triceratops and Torosaurus. It is believed to have stood and ran on its hind legs. Mwsuring some 2 meters in length, it weighed in at up to 400 kilos. The first small ceratopsian named, Leptoceratops was discovered in 1910 in the Red Deer Valley in Alberta, Canada. The first specimen had a part of its skull missing, However there have been later well-preserved finds by C. M. Sternberg in 1947, including one complete fossil (a very rare find indeed). There has been later material found in 1978 in Bighorn Basin in northern Wyoming.

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