Dramatic Hollardops Moroccan Trilobite

Hollardops sp

Trilobites Order Phacopida, Family Acastidae, Subfamily Asteropyginae

Geological Time: Middle Devonian

Size: Trilobite is 50 mm long (curve measure) by 30 mm wide on a 60 mm by 55 mm matrix base

Fossil Site: Boulashghal, Morocco

Code: 18076

Price: $135.00

Hollardops Moroccan Trilobites for SaleDescription: Elegant example of a member of the Order Phacopida, Subfamily Asteropyginae with many fine details present. Notice the many eye facets present on this example. The Asteropyginae recently have undergone revision. This one has been known in the past as Metacanthina, an entirely different trilobite. This one has many fine details present, including pustules on the genals. This one has somewhat thinner genals than many, and points to the genals reminiscent of some member of the genus Kayserops. For the sake of caution I will simply refer to it as Hollardops sp without a species name.

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