Ephyalpes edingunnensis Paleoproterozic Stromatolites

Ephyalpes edingunnensis Stromatolites

Geologic Time: Late Paleoproterozoic, (~1.8 billion years ago)

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): 120 mm by 75 mm by 25 mm thick (maximum)m)

Fossil Site: Yelma, Laverton, Western Australia

Fossil Code: AS14007

Price: Sold

edingunnensisDescription: This is a polished section of stromatolite from the Paleoproterozoic of Western Australia. The Paleoproterozoic spans one fifth of the geological time scale, and includes the period in which stromatolites were responsible for the formation of free oxygen, resulting in the “rusting of the earth” the led to such iron ore deposits as the Mesabi Range in the US and extensive deposits in Western Australia. Stromatolites are remnants of the most ancient of colonial organisms. Stromatolites are fossils that are the result of the work of simple blue-green “algae” or Cyanophytes, which lived in chains or mats covered in a jellylike substance. By taking in carbon dioxide as a food source, they precipitate limy deposits on the jelly that builds up in layers. Thus these organisms build up stony supports for their colonies. These mound like structures can be anywhere from several centimeters to several meters in height. This one had the display side given a polish to accentuate the details. You can see the difference between it and the reverse side, making for an excellent display piece for home or office.

Also see: Stromatolites

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