Exceedingly Rare Complete Coosella Trilobite from Utah

Coosella kieri

Trilobites Order Ptychopariida, Family Crecicephalidae

Geologic Time: Upper Middle Cambrian

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Trilobite is 30 mm long by 18 mm wide on a 62 mm by 85 mm matrix

Fossil Site: Weeks Formation, Millard County, Utah

Fossil Code: PPF08

Price: Sold

coosellaDescription: This trilobite is a rare member of the family Crecicephalidae known as Coosella The species was only recently described in 2011 and is uncommon. There are two types that differ in the straightness of the thoracic profile and width of the pygidium. This one corresponds to what had been termed Coosella Type 1 in the past.

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