Pennsylvanian Mazon Creek Neuropteris Seed Fern Leaf

Neuropteris sp

Division Cycadophyta, Class Cycadopsida, Order Medullosales, Family Medullosaceaea

Geological Time: Pennsylvanian

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Fossil fern leaf is 4” in length

Fossil Site: Mazon Creek, Braidwood, Illinois

Fossil Code: PFP194

Price: Sold

Pennsylvanian Mazon Creek Neuropteris Seed Fern LeafDescription: This beautifully preserved fern pinnule is Carboniferous Forestencased in an ironstone nodule comes from one of the spoil heaps of the abandoned coal mines surrounding Braidwood, Illinois. It is a positive/negative specimen and both halves fit together tightly. Imagine the surprise on the face of anyone unfamiliar with these amazing fossils upon opening the nodule for the first time.

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