Large Inflated Clypeaster Echinoid Fossil

Clypeaster altos

Phylum Echinodermata, Class Echinoidea

Geological Time: Miocene

Size (25.4mm=1 inch): 130 mm diameter x 55 mm height

Fossil Site: Albacete, Spain

Code: PFO198

Price: $155.00

ClypeasterDescription: A life-like example of a fully inflated and perfectly preserved echinoid from the Miocene of Spain. The earliest echinoids are known from the upper Ordovician, and they remain extant today, testament to their evolutionary adaptability. Most are small, this one was a monster. A lot of people like to eat sushi, but only the fearless attempt the sea urchin, where the live animal is opened, and the so-called brain is eaten.

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