Impeccable Scutella Echinoid Fossil from France

Scutella paulensis

(Agassiz 1841)

Phylum Echinodermata, Order Clypeasteroida, Class Echinoidea

Geological Time: Miocene (13 MA)

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): The larger fossil is 3” in diameter, the smaller one 2 1/4”. The matrix base is 7 ¾ x 5 ¼”

Fossil Site: Faluns de Touraine, Bordeaux Region, France

Code: PFO384SM

Price: $175.00

Scutella Echinoid FossilDescription: This attractive free standing double echinoid plate is totally natural, not re-glued or artificially placed onto the background matrix.

(This background information has been translated from French) The Faluns of Touraine have often and for a long time attracted the attention of scientists. Bernard Palissy, in XVI e century, was already of the reflections. The first scientific publication date from 1829 and is due to DESNOYERS, which publications in the Annals of natural sciences an essay entitled "Observation on a set of marine deposits more recent than the land of the tertiary basin of the Seine" - In the Faluns of Touraine occurs a series of gravelly sands, long celebrated for abundant fossils of gastoropds, corals and echinoids. There is an affinity of the Touraine deposits to the Suffolk deposits in England and the beds in the two localities are the same or nearly the same geological period.

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