Large Plate of Nine Complete Spinadiscus Edrioasteroids

Spinadiscus lefebvrei

Phylum Echinodermata, Class Edrioasteroidea

Geological Time: Ordovician

Size: The Edirioasteroids average 3/8” to ½” in diameter. The plate size is 6 ¾” x 6 ¾”.

Fossil Site: Tiouririne Formation, Melissi, Morocco

Fossil Code: PFO426

Price: Sold

EdrioasteroidsDescription: This impressive rough sandstone plate contains nine complete individuals and a host of partials. All of the specimens are bright orange and display excellent detail.

The Edrioasteroids are an extinct class of echinoderm that arose in the Ediacaran and persisted into the Permian periods of geologic time, about 300 million years ago. The animals usually consisted of a disk-like upper body made of many plates. The main feature was the presence of five arms, or ambulacra, contained in the body wall radiating from the central mouth outwards. The mode of life was sessile.

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