Detailed Knightia Fish from Fossil Lake Gosiute Site

Knightia alta

Order Clupeifomes, Family Clupeidae

Geological Time: Eocene

Size: Fish fossil is 3 3/4” on a cm 6 x 4 1/4” plate.

Fossil Site: Green River Formation, Fossil Lake Gosiute, South West Wyoming

Fossil Code: PFF355

Price: $70.00

Knightia Fish from Fossil Lake GosiuteDescription: I was privileged to pick up a small batch of fossil fish from fossil Lake Gosiute at the 2011 Tucson Mineral and Fossil Show. This collecting area has been closed to the public for many years. According to the vendor, these fossil fish came from a collection dating back to the 1960s. The fossil fish from Lake Goisute have a different type preservation compared to the more commonly found “split fish” or “18 inch layer” fish from Fossil Lake. The Lake Gosiute shales are often dolostones, limestones, or oil shales. Though the fish in both lakes comprise the same species, the ones from Lake Goisute have a different look and presence. They exhibit very good bony detail and a somewhat ghostly appearance. Their distinctive look makes them instantly recognizable to the knowledgeable collectors eye. The fossil fish from Lake Gosiute are also difficult to acquire since the prohibition of collecting in these beds a few decades ago.

This particular fish is Knightia alta, a close relative of Knightia eocaena. Knightia was a schooling fish, which is sometimes found in mass mortality layers, confined to a single plane, indicative of a single event. Theories as to the reasons include stratified water turnovers as well as poisoning due to blooms of blue-green algae.

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