Carynacanthus lopatini Paleozoic Spiny Shark

Acanthodes (Carynacanthus lopatini)


Class Acanthodii, Order Acanthodiformes

Geological Time: Carboniferous

Size: Fish fossil is 4 ¼” in length on a 3 ½” x 6 ¼” plate

Fossil Site: Kyzykchul Formation, Nazarovo City, Krasnoyarsk, Western Siberia, Russia

Fossil Code: PFF433

Price: Sold

CarynacanthusDescription: Approximately seven years ago a number of Carboniferous fish from Siberia appeared on the market for a year or two. Then they suddenly became unavailable. So I was pleasantly surprised to discover three specimens of two different fish at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show this February. The spiny sharks in particular are very collectable and in demand. This is the only one I have available.

This large individual is in very good condition. Four of the six spines are visible, as well as much of the skin and scales.

Acanthodes (meaning spiny base or thorny base) is an extinct genus of spiny shark. The genus had no teeth, instead gills. Each of the paired pectoral and pelvic fins had a spine, as did the single anal and dorsal fins, giving it a total of just six, less than half that of many other species. Acanthodians to this day are still a subject of great dispute regarding scientific classification. This is due to the fact that they share charateristics of both bony fish (osteichthyes) and cartilaginous fish (chondrichthyes).

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