Three Species Cretaceous Scaphite Fossils Association

Holoscaphites nicolletti, Jeltzkytes spedeni, and Sphenodiscus lenticularis Scaphite Fossils

Phylum Mollusca, Class Cephalopoda, Order Ammonitida, Family Scaphitidae

Geological Time: Upper Cretaceous

Size: The concretion measures 6 ½” wide by 7 ¼” high by 6” deep. The front side specimens measure by species diameter, Holoscaphites nicolletti 1 ½”, Jeltzkytes spedeni 3”, and Sphenodiscus lenticularis 3 1/8”

Fossil Site: Fox Hills Formation, North Central South Dakota

Fossil Code: PFA89

Price: $395.00

Scaphite FossilsDescription: These beautiful scaphites are collected from concretions, which weather from stream channels and hillsides. Upon being cracked, if the collector is lucky, a wonderful prize scaphite awaits him. Most of these specimens retain their opalized skin, which is called ammonlite (mother of pearl) and reflects an array of beautiful iridescent colors.

The three primary species contained in the concretion are Holoscaphites nicolletti (top front left and bottom front center and rear side lower right), Jeltzkytes spedeni (top right front and rear center), and Sphenodiscus lenticularis (center front). Also of note is the ornate gastropod on the front lower left. The concretion is a hefty 9 pounds 2 ounces in weight. Large grand concretions displaying this many species in such an aesthetic abundance are an unusual and valuable find. The specimen would make a delightful collection centerpiece, or, unique decorative accent.

Scaphites have a simple body design described as J-shaped. However, scaphites often display complex ornamentation, including tubercles, sutures, keels, and ribs.

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