Stunning Anebolithus Trinucleid Trilobite from UK

with Elongated Genal Spines

Anebolithus simplicior

Trilobites Order Asaphida, Family Trinucleidae

Geological Time: Ordovician, Llanvirn Series, (~465 mya)

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Trilobite is 33 mm long by 22 mm wide (with spines) on a 95 mm by 75 mm matrix

Fossil Site: Builith Wells, Powys, Wales, United Kingdom

Fossil Code: UKF161

Price: $325.00

Anebolithus simplicior TrilobiteDescription: Well-preserved example of a member of the Order Asaphida, Family Trinucleidae, this one was once assigned to the genus Incaia, a primitive trinucleid known only from South America and New Zealand. It was reassigned to the genus Anebolithus which was erected solely to accommodate this lone taxon. Note the incredibly long gemal spines which are thought to have acted like snowshoes to keep the trilobite at the surface of a muddy sea floor. The matrix has been sculpted to show off the genals to best advantage, making for a stunning display piece.

Reference: Paleontology, Vol 13 Part 4, 1970, pp677-690.

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