RARE Carboniferous Phillipsia Trilobite Association

Phillipsia sp

Trilobite Order Proetida, Family Phillipsiidae

Brachiopoda indet.

Geological Time: Middle Carboniferous

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Trilobite is 20 mm long by 12 mm wide Brachiopod: 20 mm wide by 15 mm tall on a 75 mm by 70 mm matrix

Fossil Site: Ulutau Mountains, Dzhezkazgan Region, Central Kazakhstan

Code: RT18

Price: $325.00

Description: By the Carboniferous the only Order of trilobites left was Proetida. Of the various families, the Phillipsiidae were the Ultimate Survivors, lasting until the Late Permian. This is amember of the patronymic genus Phillipsia coming from the Middle Carboniferous of Kazakhstan, seen here in association with a brachiopod and several other framgmentary fossils. Carboniferous trilobites are rarely offered, and ones from such an exotic location as this are even more unusual.

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