Diminutive Pseudocybele lemurei Trilobite from Utah

Pseudocybele lemurei

Trilobite Order Phacopida, Family Pliomeridae

Geologic Time: Ordovician

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Trilobite 7 mm long by 4 mm wide on a 35 mm by 32 mm matrix

Fossil Site: Fillmore Formation, Millard County, Utah

Code: TR129

Price: $195.00

PseudocybeleDescription: Here is a superbly-preserved Ordovician trilobite from Utah known as Psudocybele lemurei. The state is far better known for its panoply of Cambrian trilobites, with those from the Ordovician far less frequently offered. It is completely articulated and quite 3-D in appearance, an exceptional example of this uncommon trilobite. While a small example, this is a most affordable example.

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