Superb Nevadia weeksi Trilobite

Nevadia weeksi

Trilobites Order Redlichiida, Family Nevadiidae

Geological Time: Lower Cambrian

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Trilobite is 53 mm long by 51 mm wide (with spines) on an 80 mm by 77 mm matrix

Fossil Site: Poleta Formation, Montezuma Mountains, Goldfield, Nevada

Code: JAT11

Price: Sold

Nevadia weeksiDescription: Well-preserved counterpart example of a member of the Order Redlichiida, Family Nevadiidae, with detailed spines, a feature often not preserved intact. This one is a fairly large, well-preserved example. There are 8 members of this genus, one of which appeared shortly after the disappearance of the fallotaspids. Few are offered, with even fewer that could match the majesty of this fine example, offered here at a modest price.

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