BLACK BEAUTY Greenops Trilobite from New York

Greenops sp. Trilobite

Trilobites Order Phacopida, Family Acastidae

Geologic Time: Middle Devonian

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Trilobite is 34 mm long by 21 mm wide on 60 mm by 48 mm matrix

Fossil Site: Ledyard Shale, Erie County, New York

Code: MMT15

Price: Sold

GreenopsDescription: This is a most unusual trilobite. Most of the original black exoskeleton is preserved. Where the exoskeleton is missing, the pyritized body beneath is visible. It is too long in the thorax to fit any of the known species of Greenops; indeed, it is somewhat reminiscent of the genus Hollardops found in Morocco. The contrasting black and gold make for a most eye-catching specimen, the ONLY one like it I have been able to secure.

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