Phacopid Trilobite with Most Unusual Color Preserved

Cf Eldregeops (Phacops) rana

Trilobites Order Phacopida, Family Phacopidae

Geological Time: Middle Devonian

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Trilobite is 25 mm long (if straight) by 17 mm wide Matrix: 15 mm by 35 mm by 45 mm high

Fossil Site: Hamilton Group, Ellicottville, Cattaraugus County, New York

Code: CPT59

Price: Sold

Phacopid Trilobite with Most Unusual Color PreservedDescription: This is a most unusual trilobite. Notice the pleasing café au lait color, and the regular darkened spots to the exoskeleton. These marking have been interpreted as the positions of internal muscle attachments. The current hypothesis is that the dark spots are actually preserved melanophores which could expand and contract, allowing the trilobite to change color as it moved about the seafloor surface much like the extant Plaice and Sole. These colors are of natural, rather than diagenic origin. The specimens were initially collected from a site on the border with Pennsylvania several decades ago, and to my knowledge specimens such as these have not been offered commercially until recently. This fine enrolled example is self-displayed on a matrix pedestal which has a flattened base.

For another example, see:
Thomas E. Whiteley et al, Trilobites of New York, Plate 103.
Paleontology Vol. 11, Part 4, 1968 pp 498-9.
Geology, 05/2013; 41(5): pp 607-61

Trilobite Purchase Information

click trilobite pictures to enlarge

Eldregeops (Phacops) rana
Trilobites Order Phacopida, Family Phacopidae

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