Asaphus kotlukovi Russian Ordovician Trilobites
Dorsal and Ventral Prep

Asaphus kotlukovi

Trilobites Order Asaphida

Geological Time: Middle Ordovician

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Ventral: 45 mm long by 30 mm wide; Dorsal: 72 mm long by 48 mm wide on a 175 by 190 mm matrix

Fossil Site: Russian Trilobites from the Wolchow River region near Saint Petersburg, Russia

Fossil Code: RUT829

Price: Sold

Asaphus kotlukoviDescription: A well-inflated example of a pair of medium-eyestalked members of the Asaphidae, this is Asaphus kotlukovi. This particular example has both a conventional dorsal example, and one that has been prepared ventrally to allow you to see the detail from within. Notice the hypostome, or anchor for the mouthparts. This type of hypostome is typical of the predatory types of trilobites.. The region in which these trilobites lived was subject to dramatic changes in salinity and turbidity, and the trilobites were able to make rapid (geologically speaking) evolutionary adjustments. These adjustments were thought to be able to allow them to see both predator and prey more easily. These are well-displayed on a large block of matrix which has a flattened edge to allow it to stand upright.

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