Paleoproterozoic Stromatolite from Canada

Polished Stromatolites

Geological Time: Paleoproterozoic. ~ 1.8 Billion Years Old

Size: Stromatolite fossil is 160 mm by 100 mm (maximum)

Fossil Site: Fossil Site: Pethel Formation, Red Cliff Island, Northwest Territories, Canada

Code: DS17032

Price: Sold

Paleoproterozoic Stromatolite from CanadaFossil Description: This colorful stromatolite slab come from a remote location in the Northwest Territories of Canada. It is only accessible by floatplane, and so is not often visited.

The specimen has been hand-polished to a glassine finish on one side with fine carbide and diamond abrasive, a very labor-intensive job

Stromatolites have persisted to the modern day in such places as Shark Bay, Australia where they continue their billions of years old lifestyle. While this piece would make a fine present for any natural history buff, anyone who appreciates art would also be glad to get thus wonderful specimen as a gift.

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Paleoproterozoic Stromatolite from Canada

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