IMMENSE Perspicaris Phyllocarid Shelled Arthropod

Perspicaris sp


Geologic Time: Early/Middle Cambrian (~520 million years ago)

Size (25.4mm=1 inch): 130 mm long by 73 mm across on a 215 mm by 145 mm matrix

Fossil Site: Marjum Formation, House Range, Millard County, Utah

Fossil Code: CB057

Price: $285.00 - sold

Perspicaris Phyllocarid Shelled Arthropod FossilDescription: This unusual Phyllocarid arthropod is known as Perspicaris . Phyllocarids are one of the lesser known branchiopod crustaceans from the Cambrian where they Phyllocaridaare among the earliest animals with a hard shell. They have a fairly large carapace, which protects the anterior part of the body. This structure hinged along the dorsal edge like a bivalve. Usually only the carapace is found. It is similar to Branchiocaris, a typical example of which is shown next to this IMMENSE specimen, the largest non-Tuzoia Phyllocarid I have ever come across. Perspicaris is more rarely found than Branchiocaris, so this specimen is made even more rare due to its size.

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