Stunning Mesoproterozoic Australian Stromatolite

Baicalia capricornia Stromatolites

Geological Time: Mesoproterozoic (1.2 billion years old)

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): 230 by 110 (9 1/8 by 4 3/8 inches)

Fossil Site : Irregully Formation, Bangemall Basin, near Ashburton River, Kooline Station, Western Australia

Code: DS101

Price: $130.00 - sold

Australian StromatoliteWithout a doubt, this is some of the most stunning stromatolite I've ever seen., with distincy alternating dark and light banding, with dark purple-ish brown bands, and an occasional deep red blotch. The formation from which it comes in Western Australia dates to the Mesoproterozoic, to a time that the use of sex on earth for reproduction and diversity had just begun, and when the earliest cells with nuclei, the eucaryotes, were first appearing.

The beautiful specimen has been polished to a mirror finish perpendicular to the growth lines.

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