Rare Hemispherical Bulbous Stromatolites Section from Michigan

Name: Stromatolites Hemispherical Bulbous Form (Hand Polished)

Age: Proterozoic (2.2 - 2.4 Billion Years Old)

Size (25.4mm=1 inch): 225 mm by 190 mm (maximum)

Location: Chocolay Group, Chocolay Hills, Marquette County, Michigan (Part Of The Kona Dolomite)

Code: DS1624

Price: $145.00 - sold

Description: Precambrian stromatolite is the oldest of all fossils, and with much labor (cutting and polishing), it is most beautiful. The banding that commonly appears in stromatolite is a record of the growth patterns of colonies of microorganisms, principally photosynthetic cyanobacteria. The colors that are often expressed are the result of the interaction of biological and sedimentary processes, together with subsequent chemistry and mineral exchange.

This stromatolite is at once, ancient (Precambrian), beautiful, and unusually colored. Coming from the Chocolay Group in an area known as the Chocolay Hills located southeast of Ishpeming, Michigan, it dates to the Lower Proterozoic, some 2.2 to 2.4 Billion years old. This stromatolitic carbonate has been hand-polished to a mirror finish, and the delicate banding pattern showing the distinctive hemispherical bulbous form. The raw material from which this section was cut was collected 25 years ago, and has not been seen since, making this a most unique specimen.

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