Australian Eocene Period Plant Fossil

Qurecus drymejiodes

Order Fagales, Family Fagaceae

Geological Time: Eocene

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Quercus: 75 mm long (with petiole) by 32 mm across on a 100 mm by 60 mm matrix

Fossil Site: Elsmore, New South Wales, Australia

Code: AAF543

Price: Sold

Qurecus Plant FossilDescription: The region from which this specimen comes bears evidence of glaciation dating back to the Permian. There is a broad spectrum of ages preserved in the region, with this specimen coming from the Eocene. This one is a member of the genus Quercus to which the modern-day oak belongs. They are members of the Fagaceae, or beeches, which is why this one looks far more like a typical beech leaf than the oak leaves of today.

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