Fine Eocene Catkin Plant Fossil

Plantae indet

Geological Time: Eocene

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Fossil blossom: 55 mm Matrix: 100 mm by 70 mm

Fossil Site: Green River Shale, Uintah County, Utah

Fossil Code: GRF201

Price: Sold

Eocene Catkin Plant FossilDescription: The Green River Formation deposits of Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah are best known for their immaculately-preserved fish, but other examples are known as well, as this specimen attests. This specimen is known as a catkin. Catkins are an elongated cluster of same-sex flowers, and are found on many trees such as oaks, birches, and willows. They are wind pollinated (anemophilous) with male catkins pollinating female catkins, or single female flowers.

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