Tuzoia Decorated Phyllocarid Fossil from Nevada

Tuzoia sp

Phylum Arthropoda, Subphylum Crustacea, Class Malacostraca, Subclass Phyllocaridae

Geological Time: Early Middle Cambrian, (~525 million years ago)

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Fossil is 50 mm long by 40 mm across on a 175 mm by 150 mm and 145 mm by 105 mm matrix

Fossil Site: Comet Shale Member, Pioche Formation, Lincoln County, Nevada

Fossil Code: WF06

Price: $600.00

TuzoiaDescription: This unusual fossil is an example of a rarely-seen Phyllocarid known as Tuzoia. It is a bivalved crustacean, most well known for its distinctively-reticulated carapace, and comes from the Comet Shale Member of the Pioche Formation of Nevada. This deposit spans the transition of Early to Middle Cambrian which saw the extinction of the Olenellid trilobites. It is just younger than the comparable material from the Chengjiana Biota of Yunnan Province, China and just older than the Burgess Shale Fauna of British Columbia, Canada. The genus is known from the Burgess Shale and from Early/Middle Cambrian deposits of Utah. Species are largely distinguished by the presence and placement of spines on the carapace. Few examples of the genus are known from more than the carapace, as seen here. Note the intricate polygonal decoration to the carapace. The specimens are often somewhat faint, as here. The specimen has been water wet to heighten contrast in the last photographs. Regardless, this is a rare specimen, little seen outside of an academic collection. Most of the outcrops are on BLM land which is not available for collecting. This material however comes from a ranch on private land. Note the partial trilobite in the upper right corner of the first photograph. It is known as Eokochaspis nodosa, a member of the order Ptychopariida, family Ptychopariidae.

Reference: A New Soft-bodied Fauna: The Pioche Formation of Nevada, Bruce S. Lieberman, Journal of Paleontology, Jul 2003.

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