Crawfordsville Crinoids Death Assemblage

Crawfordsville Crinoids

(see list below)

Geological Time: Lower Mississippian, Osagean Stage (345 m.y.a)

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): 1. Macrocrinus:50 mm long by 16 mm wide with 10 mm attached stem 2. Cyathocrinites: 35 mm long by 30 mm wide 3. Platycrinites:16 mm long by 6 mm wide with 3 mm attached stem 4. Macrocrinus: 55 mm long by 20 mm wide with 30 mm attached stem 5. Undetermined 20 mm by 25 mm

Matrix: 220 mm maximum width by 140 mm maximum height

Fossil Site: Crawfordsville Crinoid Site, Indiana

Code: CC304

Price: Sold

Description: The number of specimens contained within this one slab is astonishing. I have numbered them in the first image below and to theCrawfordsville Crinoids  Identification right to allow you to identify them wherever possible; click image to open new window:

  • 1,4 Macrocrinus mundulus
  • 2 Cyathocrinites iowensis
  • 3 Platycrinites brevinodus
  • 5 Undetermined

Crawfordsville Crinoids Mass MortalityGiven the fact that echinoderms disarticulate rapidly upon death, the fact that these are preserved as seen here is quite remarkable. Note the Crinodeapresence of the anal tubes used by the Macrocrinus for excretion of waste, and the many preserved pinnules that were used by the crinoids for filtration of food particles from the water column. Specimen #5 is most likely Agaricocrinus, but there is insufficient data to be sure.. All in all, this is a good representation of the type of preservation for which the Crawfordsville deposits are world renowned. For more extensive examples containing TWENTY OR MORE specimens, see my other offerings.

Also see: Crawfordsville Crinoids

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