Extensive Eucalyptocrinites Silurian Crinoid Holdfast

Eucalyptocrinites sp

Geological Time: Silurian Wenlockian Stage (430-424 mya)

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): 79 mm long by 63 mm wide by 24 mm high

Fossil Site: Waldron Shale, Waldron, Indiana

Code: CK0165

Price: $165.00 - sold

Eucalyptocrinites crinoid fossilDescription: Very 3-dimesional example of the holdfast of a Camerate crinoid of the genus Eucalyptocrinites preserved in the blue-gray Waldron Shale, a deposit that represented small incipient reefs in Indiana and Tennessee. The holdfast is typically termed the radix, or root. Radicular holdfasts have extensive branching, giving them the appearance of the roots of a tree. To me they look more like the root system of a Suguaro cactus, radiating outward near the surface of the ground. Like the axial canal of the stem, they contain nervous and coelomic extensions. They often attached themselves to hard objects that were encountered during growth, making for a firm footing in the seafloor.

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