Oxynoticeras, A Streamlined Ammonite from United Kingdom

Oxynoticeras oxynotum

Ammonoidea, Oxynoticeratidae

Geological Time: Jurassic , Lower Lias, Sinemurian Stage (~185 Million Years Ago)

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): 36 mm diameter

Fossil Site: Bishops Cleve, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

Code: 8260

Price: $40.00 - sold

Description: This fine ammonite is the rarely-offered Oxycone known as Oxynoticeras oxynotum, and is a fine pyritized example. Oxycone ammonites had a compressed shell. The sharp keel and narrow cross-section offered little resistance as the ammonite moved through the water in pursuit of prey and in an effort to escape predators. This taxon is thought to have been one of the swiftest of ammonites. The small chip in the keel allows the astute collector to acquire a good example at minimal cost.

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