Polished Cleoniceras Ammonite With Intricate Suture Pattern

Cleoniceras besairei Ammonite

Geological Time: Middle Cretaceous, Albian Stage (150 mya)

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Ammonite is 98 mm in diameter

Fossil Site: Tulear, Madagascar

Code: 3604

Price: $95.00 - Sold

Description: This spectacular ammonite is Cleoniceras besairei from Madagascar which has been polished to show the wonderful detail in the sutures that afforded strength to the shell. This is one of the highly intricate patterns, and makes for a dramatic, large display specimen. Additionally, some of the original shell with opalescent fire can be seen as well, making for a stunning piece. This is a fine example of an ammonite from the Albian (112 m.y.a) deposits of Madagascar, one that is sure to be a fine addition to any ammonite collection.

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