Dyrosaurus phosphaticus Skull - Crocodile Fossil

Name: Dyrosaurus phosphaticus (A crocodile-like marine reptile)

Age: Paleocene to Upper Cretaceous

Size: (25.4mm=1 inch): jacket size: ~ 26 3/4 inches; specimen length: 23 1/2 inches

Location:Phosphate Deposits of Khourigba, Morocco

Code: CROC1

Price: $1150.00 - Sold

Still in the plaster cast from which it was removed from the phosphate deposits of Khourigba, Morocco, this is one impressive fossil standing some two feet tall. Having not been well-studied, little is known for sure about Dyrosaurus phosphaticus, though the skeletal remains of this fossil alone are tangible proof that it was a fierce predator. One cannot even be sure of its age, but it is likely to date to just before or just after the great dinosaur extinction of 65 million years ago. Some authorties believe them to be Paleocene, making them one of the largest reptiles to have survived the Cretaceous extinction.

It very much resembles a crocodile, and without much doubt there is common lineages with the modern, extant yet ancient-looking version. Generally the Dyrosaurus from this locality are found as separate bones and fragments, such that the skull here is an uncommon find.

This specimen is a ventral preparation of a skull in a plaster field jacket. The matrix and bone are fragile, but there has been no restoration that I can detect with my preparator's eye.

All in all, a killer vertebrate fossil that is, at once, affordable and unique.

EDCOPE Enterprises Fossil Purchase

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