Deltadromaeus agilis Dinosaur Tooth

Deltadromaeus agilis

Geologic Time: Middle Cretaceous, Albian Stage

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Dinosaur tooth is 45 mm diagonal length, 18 mm base width.

Fossil Site: Kem-Kem Basin, South of Taouz, Morocco

Fossil Code: DT007

Price: Sold

Deltadromaeus agilis Dinosaur ToothDescription: This is a fine example of a tooth from the dinosaur Deltadromaeus agilis coming from the Middle Cretaceous Albian Stage deposits of the Kem-Kem Basin, Morocco. Notice the fine serrations present which attest to the meat eating habits of this dinosaur that reached 7 meters in length. Since all dinosaurs are not hatched fully grown, all teeth found will not be of the fully-grown specimens. Indeed, one would expect many to be smaller teeth since the smaller animals would have been more prevalent. This dinosaur was discovered in this same region by Gabrielle Lyon, wife of University of Chicago paleontologist Paul Sereno in 1995. The thin cross section shows this dinosaur was more prone to stripping meat from the bones, rather than the bone crusher that T rex is thought to have been.

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