Extraordinary Quadrops Like Museum Trilobite

Aff Quadrops flexuosa

Trilobites Order Phacopida, Family Acastidae

Geological Time: Early ro Middle Devonian

Size: Trilobite is 60 mm long (curve measure) by 36 mm wide (with spines) on a 100 mm by 100 mm matrix.

Fossil Site: Jebel Issoumour, Morocco

Code: 17119

Price: $5750.00

Quadrops Museum TrilobiteDescription: Elegant example of a bizarrely-spined member of the Acastidae. This one is a new taxon clearly closely allied with Quadrops flexuosa. Once called Philonyx, the genus derives its name from the unusual quadripartite rostrum unique to this taxon. Given the distinct “shovel-nosed” aspect of this type, it may be an entirely new genus. While most Quadrops are known from Ofaten, this type to date has only been found in Issoumour. Note the incredible profusion of spines displayed here. These spines were a good defense against the fish of their day, affording quite a mouthful for any predator with the temerity to attack. This specimen took an INCREDIBLY LONG amount of time to prepare. I have included some in-preparation photos which clearly show the genuine rostrum, as well as the axial spines. Only a literal handful of specimens have been found to date at this new Issoumour locality, despite a feverish search by the diggers..

Trilobites for Sale

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Images below of Trilobite in Preparation


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