Stunningly Iridescent Cleoniceras Ammonite

Cleoniceras besaiei Ammonite

Geologic Time: Upper Early Cretaceous, Albian Stage

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Ammonite is 63 mm in diameter

Fossil Site: Mahajanga Province, Madagascar

Fossil Code: AM049

Price: $65.00 - sold

Cleoniceras besaiei AmmoniteDescription: This fine ammonite is Cleoniceras from Madagascar which has essentially all of the original iridescent shell present. This is a consequence of light passing through the various layers of aragonite and conchiolin deposited by the ammonite in life. The lack of acidity in the depositional environment allowed them to be preserved as you see it here. Notice the play of colors when the viewer’s aspect changes.

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