Unidentified Egg Cluster from the Miocene of Nevada

Unidentified Egg Cluster

Geological Time: Miocene (16 mya)

Size: Egg cluster is 1 1/4” in length

Fossil Site: Central Nevada

Fossil Code: PFO409

Price: Sold

Fossil Egg ClusterDescription: It’s hard to imagine something this small and fragile could be preserved so perfectly in stone. The fossils from this site are found in paper shales. These shales offer some of the best-preserved insects and plants to be found anywhere in the world. I am not with certainty able to confirm these are insect eggs, fish eggs, or, that in fact they are eggs at all. However, logic would indicate they were a clutch of eggs deposited in a gelatinous mass upon the calm waters of this ancient fossil lake. If so, this is an exceptionally rare find and a true fossil treasure. Please contact me if you have insight into this specimen.

The state once had a much wetter and more temperate climate back in the Miocene. There were many more lakes in what is now the driest state in the USA. The Sierra uplift dramatically changed the climate and rainfall in the state.

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