Baltic Amber Fungus Gnat

Fossil Amber

Fungus Gnat: Insect Order Diptera Family Mycetophilidae

Geological Time: Upper Eocene - Lower Oligocene

Size (25.4mm = 1 inch): Amber: 12 mm long, 10 mm across Inclusion: 2 mm

Fossil Site: Kaliningrad District, Russia

Code: BA25005

Price: $25.00 - sold

Description: This amber piece displays a member of the Diptera.This one is a fungus gnat of the family Mycetophilidae. The fungus gnats are typically found in the presence of decaying vegetation or fungi. The term Diptera means “two-winged” and is actually a misnomer. Most members have a second, vestigial pair of wings that are mere knobs which are used as a “gyroscope” to keep the insect level in flight.

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