Arctinurus boltoni Trilobite

Emperor of North American trilobites

Arctinurus boltoni

Trilobites Order Lichida, Family Lichidae

Geological Time: Silurian

Size: Trilobite is 122 mm long

Fossil Site: Rochester Shale Formation, Middleport, New York

Arctinurus boltani TrilobiteDescription: This trilobite is a member of the Order Lichida, Family Lichidae from the Silurian Rochester Formation deposits of Middleport, New York, known as Arctinurus boltoni. The species is referred to by some as the “Emperor of North American trilobites”, and fittingly so. Notice the fine details in the many pustules found upon the surface of the exoskeleton. The diagnostic pleural and pygidial spines are well in evidence, and the trilobite is highly three dimensional in relief. This is a very fine specimen.

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Arctinurus boltoni Silurian Trilobite from New York Rochester Shale Formation

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