Rare Olenellus fowleri Nevada Trilobite

Olenellus fowleri

(Palmer 1998)

Trilobite Order Redlichiida, Family Olenellidae

Geological Time: Lower Cambrian

Size: Trilobite is 1” in length

Fossil Site: C- Shale, Combined Metals Member, Pioche Shale Formation, Lincoln County, Nevada

Fossil Code: PFT662

Price: $300.00 - Sold

Olenellus fowleriDescription: Lower Cambrian Pioche Shale trilobites of this level of preservation have become exceptionally difficult to obtain in the last few years. Olenellus fowleri are perhaps the most aesthetically pleasing of the trilobite fauna list found in the Uppermost Lower Cambrian of Nevada. Above the extinction zone from which these species were collected the Ollenids are no longer in existence. What a shame, they were amongst the most beautiful of trilobites, true butterflies of the sea.

This trilobite is a very well preserved mid-sized specimen. Note the long flowing thoratic spines descending well below the fantastically preserved opistothorax. The only minor flaw on this specimen is some erosion on the left side of the cephalic brim. It is a positive/negative specimen. The positive is on the left hand side of the photo. It resides on the smaller piece of matrix. An added bonus on this piece is a partial Choia sponge, located at the base of the trilobite.

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Olenellus fowleri

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