Olenellus chiefensis and gilberti Trilobites

Olenellus chiefensis and Olenellus gilberti

(Palmer 1998)

Trilobite Order Redlichiida, Family Olenellidae

Geological Time: Lower Cambrian

Size: The two Olenellus chiefensis are 1 5/16” and 11/16” in length. The Olenellus gilbert is 2” in length including the tail spine. The larger plate is 11 ½ x 6 ¼” The smaller plate is 10 ¾ x 6 ¼”

Fossil Site: C- Shale, Combined Metals Member, Pioche Shale Formation, Lincoln County, Nevada

Fossil Code: PFT651

Price: Sold

Description: There is a lot going on between these two plates of Pioche Shale. The larger plate has two positive specimens. Both are Olenellus chiefensis. Specifically, the light colored one on the upper portion of the plate, and the smaller rust colored incomplete one going off the side of the lower right hand side of the plate. The large negative Olenellus gilberti is lower and to the left of the upper O. chiefensis. On the smaller plate, the O. gilberti is the positive; its cephalon is unfortunately going off the side of the plate. Surrounding the trilobites is a purple hash of sponge spines and body parts (Choia?). Because of the incompleteness of two of the trilobites, I’m pricing this at a quite affordable price. It’s an impressive colorful fossil display of a complex Upper Lower Cambrian death assemblage.

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