Precambrian Stromatolite from Australia

Name: Stromatolite Kinneyia simulans

Age: Precambrian (2.4 to 2.6 billion years old)

Size: mm (25.4mm=1 inch): 195 by 95

Location: McRae Shale, Hammersly Ranges, Western, Australia

Code: DS156

Price: $85.00 - Sold

Stromatolite from AustraliaOriginating in mountains in Western Australia, this stromatolite is stunningly colorful, with shades of reddish brown, to tan to a purplish tan. The age of this stromatolite is estimated to be 2.4 to 2.6 BILLION yrs old, and thus at the boundary of the Archaean and Proterozoic Era's. This was a time in the Precambrian when stromatolite is believed to have been both ubiquitous and abundant on earth. This remarkable specimen is appropriate for display, teaching or research, representing primitive bacterial life responsible for forming the atmosphere that we breath today. The specimen has been polished to a glass finish on the side shown. This is a very unusual and hard-to-obtain stromatolite.

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