RARE Anomalocaris Oral Disk Fossil

from Utah's Marjum Formation

Anomalocaris sp

Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Arthropod stem group, Class Dinocaridida, Order Radiodonta, Family Anomalocarididae

Geological Time: Upper Middle Cambrian

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Anomalocaris fossil is 35 across on a 100 mm by 90 mm matrix

Fossil Site: Marjum Formation, House Range, Millard County, Utah

Fossil Code: STF07

Price: Sold

Anomalocaris Oral Disk FossilDescription: This is the oral disc of the “Terror Of The Cambrian”, Anomalocaris, seen here is the first example I have had from the Marjum Formation. The members of this group of enigmatic creatures are known from Asia, Anomalocaris IllustrationAustralia, Europe, and North America, and are thought by many to be closely allied with the Arthropda, a position not held by all researchers. Several have been described from Utah, notably a 50 mm partial specimen of Anomalocaris nathorsti from the Marjum Formation, but they are far more rare than those from Chengjiang or the Burgess Shale. Many examples of Elrathia have been found with bite marks, most typically on the right side, which are thought to have been the result of an abortive attack by this Cambrian raider. The hard limestone did not render a perfect preservation, so only one side is well defined. I have included a negative image with shows both the sectioning of the disc and the faint opposing side.

Also see a complete Anomalocaris fossil from the older Pioche Formation of Nevada.

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