Russian Ordovician Trilobites in Association
with Ventrally Prepared
Asaphus intermedius

Illaenus intermedius & Asaphus intermedius

Geological Time: Middle Ordovician

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Illaenus: 50 mm long by 23 mm wide Asaphus: 45 mm long by 25 mm wide on a 100 by 48 mm matrix

Fossil Site: Asery Horizon deposits of the Wolchow River region near Saint Petersburg, Russia

Fossil Code: RT020

Price: $250.00 - sold

Illaenus intermedius & Asaphus intermediusDescription: Both of these trilobites possess the name specific name. The Illaenus example is the unusual trilobite Illaenus intermedius in association with an Asaphus intermedius seen here in the ventral preparation mode. This Illaenus is one of the 50-odd members of the genus, and known for the high profile of the cephalon which is thought to have aided the trilobite in plowing through the substrate in search of a meal. The well-inflated example of a high-eyestalked member of the Asaphidae, this one is Asaphus intermedius. The region in which these trilobites lived was subject to dramatic changes in salinity and turbidity, and the trilobites were able to make rapid (geologically speaking) evolutionary adjustments. These adjustments were thought to be able to allow them to see both predator and prey more easily. This taxon derives its species name from the length of the eyestalks, being between the length of Asaphus punctatus, and the shorter-eyestalked Asaphus kotlukovi. Notice the detail preserved here, with the hypostome, or anchor for the mouthparts, readily visible. The pygidial doublure is well-displayed as well. These two are examples of the amazing diversity of trilobites to come from the Ordovician of Russia.

Also see: Russian trilobites

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Trilobites Trilobites for Sale