Gasterostueus doryssus Fish Fossils from Nevada

Gasterostueus doryssus (Stickleback)

Class Actinopterygii, Order Gasterosteiformes, Family Gasterosteidae

Geological Time: Pliocene

Size (2.54 cm = 1 inch): Fossil fish are 44 mm and 40 mm on a 140 mm x 180 mm plate

Fossil Site: Lahanton Beds, Hazen, Nevada

Code: Stickleback07

Price: $60.00 - sold

Description: There are two different species of Pliocene fish (3 million year old) (the other being Fundulus nevadensis) from the diatomaceous earth quarries surrounding Hazen and Fernley, Nevada. An interesting note concerning these fish species is that they are never found associated in the geological sequence of layers. Moreover, they are to the exception of an occasional bird feather or leaf (and a snake we donated to a museum in Utah), virtually the only fossils found at the quarries. The fish plate will be shipped in an attractive glass enclosed Riker mount.

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