SUPERB Utah Cambrian Trilobite Nursery Assemblage

Bolaspidella sp

Trilobite Order Ptychopariida, Family Menomiidae

Elrathia kingii

Trilobite Order Ptychopariida, Family Ptychopariidae

Peronopsis sp

Trilobite Order Agnostida, Family Peronopsidae

Geological Time: Middle Cambrian (~520 million years ago)

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Bolaspidella: 6 mm long and 5 mm wide – 8 mm long by 7 mm wide Peronopsis: 4 mm long by 2 mm wide-8 mm long by 3 mm wide Elrathia: 3-5 mm long on a 110 mm by 80 mm matrix

Fossil Site: Wheeler Shale, Millard County, Utah

Code: ND024

Price: Sold

Description: Coming from the Cambrian Wheeler Shale deposits of Millard County, Utah this is a fine example of a trilobite assemblage. What is most unusual about this specimen is the fact that the Elrathia are the SMALLEST examples I have ever had. There are quite a few spread around the plate in association with a pair of Bolaspidella and three Peronopsis agnostid trilobites, making for an exceptional nursery piece.

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