Dinocaridid Grasping Appendage


Anomalocarididae, possibly Aomalocaris sp

Phylum Arthropoda, Subphylum Crustacea, Class Malacostraca, Class Phyllocarida

Geological Time: Upper Middle Cambrian

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Fossil is 15 mm long (outside curve) on a 110 mm by 45 mm matrix

Fossil Site: Weeks Formation, Millard County, Utah

Code: ND010

Price: $300.00

Dinocaridid FossilDescription: This grasping appendage looks to be from a creature with strong affinities to Anomalocaris despite the fact that it is smaller than many I have seen from Chengjiang. So I will hedge and just list it as belonging to a member of the Aonomalocarididae .The members of this group of enigmatic creatures are known from Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America, and are thought by many to be closely allied with the Arthropoda, as position not held by all researchers. The spiniferous grasping appendages are strongly suggestive of its carnivorous habits; some trilobites from Utah bear evidence of bite marks that have been attributed to Anaomalocaris. The genus derives its name from “anomalous shrimp” which was what the describer thought the appendage was. Whatever the precise taxonomic status, this is a most unusual and highly desirable specimen.

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