Superb Solnhofen Dragonfly Fossil

Stenophlebia latreilli

Insects Order Odonata

Geological Time: Late Jurassic, Kimmeridgian Stage

Size: Body: 30 mm body and 100 mm wingspan

Fossil Site: Solnhofen, Eichstatt, Germany

Stenophlebia latreilliDescription: This is a fine example of a dragonfly from the lithographic limestone deposits of Solnhofen, Germany, known as Stenophlebia latreilli. These 150 million year old deposits are famous for their exceptionally well-preserved organisms, the most famous of which are the handful of specimens of the ancient bird Archaeopteryx. Crustaceans, Insects, Fish, and others are also preserved with fine detail. Dragonflies are one of the most sought-after of specimens. A quarry worker may labor 2-to 3 years to find a single example. There are two other members of the genus: S. aequalis is somewhat larger, while S. casta has a more delicate appearance. The wings stretched towards the rear are a diagnostic features of this taxon. Notice the fine venation preserved in the wings. This is an affordable example of this sought-after member of the dragonflies.

Also see: Solnhofen Fossils

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