Solnhofen Leptolepides sprattiformis Fossil Fish Mass Mortality Plate

Leptolepides sprattiformis

Order Leptolepiformes, Family Leptolepididae

Geological Time: Jurassic

Size: Plate size 430 mm x 200 mm. Fossil fish average 60 mm

Fossil Site: Solnhofen Limestone, Eichscatt, Germany

Solnhofen Leptolepides sprattiformis Mass Mortality PlateDescription: A most displayable multi-plate with approximately 30 partial to well-preserved individuals. Leptolepides sprattiformis Fossil FishLeptolepides are common from Solnhofen, but like the Knightia mortality plates from the Green River Fm. of Wyoming, are very desirable. The genus already shows all the characteristics of the true bony fishes, and may represent the early stages of the developmental route towards herrings of the Clupeiformes, the Order to which Knightia belongs. The mass mortality renders this a most attractive piece.

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