Large Chondrichthyan Egg Case from Poorly-Studied Location

Palaeoxyris sp


Geological Time: Pennsylvanian (~300 m.y.a.)

Size: Fossil is 88 mm long

Fossil Site: Knob Noster, Johnson County, Missouri

Palaeoxyris Chondrichthyan Egg Case FossilDescription: When first discovered over 150 years ago, specimens such as this found in the Mazon Creek deposits of Illinois were thought to be plants. During the 1970’s, examples from Oklahoma were designated as egg cases, Chondrichthyan Egg Casemost probably those of sharks. Multiple examples have sometimes been found attached to plant remains much like the spokes on a wheel. This particular example comes from a site roughly contemporary to Mazon Creek known as the Knob Noster Largerstatte of Johnson County, Missouri. This is a near-surface deposit accidentally discovered during bulldozing in 1990. The fauna is similar to that of Mazon Creek but at present less extensive. Further study may bring to light more materials. This is the FIRST and ONLY example I have been able to secure from this locality.

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