RARE Adult Fossil Lungfish Pentlandia

Pentlandia macroptera

Class Sarcopterygii, Subclass Dipnoi, Family Dipteridae

Geological Time: Middle Devonian

Size: Fish fossil is 190 mm in length

Fossil Site: Eday Flagstones, Caithness, Orkney, Scotland

Pentlandia macroptera Lungfish FossilDescription: This is a rare adult example of the lungfish Pentlandia from the Middle Devonian deposits of Scotland. The largest known adult specimens are somePentlandia 30 cm in size. Note the fine details present. The opercular scales project from the head, seeming to imply that this one may have died of suffocation. Examples of this taxon are much less frequently seen than those of the more common Dipterus, making this a golden opportunity to add this one to your collection of Devonian fish. The repaired crack detracts but little from such a remarkable specimen.

Also see: Paleozoic Fish Fossils

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