Dominican Amber Beetle and Mite with Botanical Inclusion

Fossil Amber

Beetle: Insect Order Coleoptera

Class Arachnida, Subclass Acarina

Geological Time: Miocene - Oligocene

Size (25.4mm = 1 inch): Amber: 8 mm long , 13 mm across , Inclusion: 2 mm

Fossil Site: Region near Santiago, Dominican Republic

Code: DA45013

Price: Sold

Dominican Amber Beetle and Mite with Botanical InclusionDescription: This amber piece displays a fine beetle . The other insect inclusion is a relative of the spiders known as a mite. Mites are members of the subclass Acarina, and are very successful arthropods primarily due to their small size. Finally, there is a plant inclusion, typically called a botanical, to round out this fine selection.

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