Dominican Amber Rainforest Fossil Association

Fossil Amber

Spider: Arachnida, Araneae
Thrip: Order Thysanoptera
Fly: Order Diptera, Family Cecidomyidae

Geological Time: Oligocene-Miocene

Size (25.4mm = 1 inch): Amber: 35 mm long, 15 mm across, Inclusions 1-2 mm

Fossil Site: Region near Santiago, Dominican Republic

Code: DA35003

Price: Sold

Dominican Amber Forest Fossil AssociationDescription: This piece preserves a fine spider, along with two other examples of the fauna of the rainforest. The next is a member of the thrips, Order Thysanoptera. Many types feed on commercial plants by sucking the juices, while others are beneficial, preying on mites and other insects. The last inclusion is a gall midge of the Family Cecidomyidae. Gall midges spend their larval development within plant tissues, causing abnormal growths known as galls. This compact specimen offers three diverse members of the life of the rainforest of millions of years ago.

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